Artist Statement

I call my artworks “Spiritual Abstracts.” These works are Mixed Media combinations of acrylics and collage (often natural) items that come together to invite the viewer in for a tactile experience. Some have animals or birds, others are seascapes or trees and yet others simply play with color. When I create this art I start by covering the entire canvas in one color mixed with gloss medium. Then I fold in another color, again mixed with gloss medium, and then another. I continue adding layers of color until an image or idea presents itself to me. At that point I start to add collage items, sometimes flipping the canvas multiple times until a “top” presents itself. To attach the mixed media items, I add multiple layers of gloss medium as well as give an extra layer of gloss to the full canvas for a gloss sheen. When the canvas ‘feels done,’ I sign it and give it a name.


Birds on a Wire

Multi media artwork on canvas with Rumi Quote: “I will be waiting here…For your silence to break, for your soul to shake, for your love to wake!”


Spiritual Elephant

Elephants are full of symbolism from wisdom to good luck to success. In Buddhism, the elephant symbolizes mental strength and awakening. The third eye refers to the gate that leads to the inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. This spiritual elephant is three dimensional to draw in your touch to make your experience with the painting both somatic and spiritual.


The Gift

This painting has over 100 layers of paint. The painting can be hung from any side. Many images can be found in here if you want to see them like an air balloon, dragonfly, flower and fish. What do you see?

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Cooling the Fire

This painting was created after the 2017 Tubbs Fire. In addition to acrylic paint, ash from Coffey Park and Larkfield burnt neighborhoods were used in this painting. The acorns and tree bark in the fire below represent the homes and people who were lost in the fire. Through the arctic, ice cooling blue, copper paint glimmers through. This symbolizes that there is beauty even in the despair and destruction of fire. This piece is called, “Cooling The Fire,” in hopes to help heal the viewer with a mirror of recognition and a blanket of compassion.


Deeply Rooted

This abstract majestic sky wraps itself around mother nature, who is rooted in a bed of fallen leaves and pinecones.



This deep, underwater seascape has texture to give the impression of seaweed and other underwater plants. It’s mercurial waters hide undertones of heavy emotion. It’s beauty is reflected in the light that bounces off the water and reminds of the grace that is in and around us all.